Monday, 22 December 2014


In the place of worship, the only thing that matters is to whom my focus is on, and that of course is GOD, not my voice, not my musicians, not my backup singers.
After the worship, I can address what ever I thought went wrong with the musicians and singers but I can never be able to explain to GOD ALMIGHTY why I didn't worship him the way I should and expect Him to say to me 'I understand'. A perfect worshiper is one who forgets all-else at that time to only-truly-really-fully-surely keep his/her eyes focused on the one being worshiped, letting nothing and no one distract him. Having a good team to work with during worship is just an addition, not the core of worship.

 Saying that without music instruments and backup singers you won't be able to worship God well will be saying that our father's and mothers and patriarchs of faith didn't worship God too because in their day, what we have now they never had but they worshiped God all the same and I even dare to say that they were more focused on God than we are in our day.

 To draw the curtain on this, WORSHIP IS WORTHSHIP TO KINGSHIP and IT DESERVES TOTAL FOCUS ON THE KING OF KINGS, not anything less than this.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


#Dear Music Minister/Choir member

 I decided to go through some music minister’s wall on Facebook today and as I did wall after wall, minister after minister, I couldn't help but wonder if they were really in LOVE with the GOD they are ministering to.

 I kept seeing different shades of "self -promotion rather than promoting the gospel, I kept seeing ministers beg for people to Download their songs, I saw ministers whose Facebook page needed repentance, I saw choir members in various churches whose Facebook page lacked the professing of their faith, and I also saw pages that loved to have their face /faces on every poster, handbill, flier, anything to just announce themselves and push self rather than Christ."

 At some point I also have been guilty of some of these things but constant evaluation and check with the word of God has helped me to know what is given and what isn't.

 If you really want to get result in ministry, then you must learn to spend time doing these three things:

 1- Studying God's word

 2- Praying

 3- Rehearsing.

 If you make knowing God more your natural state, people will naturally download your songs, people will tell other people about you, Kings shall come to your rising and it wouldn't matter to you whether your face is in a publicity material or not because your desire will be to see Jesus glorified in every corner of the world.

 The reason why your light keeps getting covered is because you are trying to be popular, rather than trying to make Jesus glorified in the hearts of men. The more you seek fame, the more you go under, and the more you try to put your songs by yourself in the heart of men, the more you get weak results. Sir/ma, any announcement or promotion or publicity that the Lord does not give you will take you and lead you nowhere.

 "Deep calleth unto the deep at thine water brooks"... Psalm 42:7.

I am not against using social media platforms to show forth your business at all, and i also love that Christians are using it to do so. I must also say that if you are amongst those who see gospel music as one way of business and entertainment, then you need some re-evaluation sir. You call it "GOSPEL Music isn't it? What is the gospel supposed to do? To preach Christ or to entertain and bring you profit? Now you go ahead and ask my friends and elder brothers in this ministry Panam Percy Paul, Solomon Lange, Kenny Kore, Chris Delvan, Nathaniel Bassey, Efe Nathan, Muyiwa Israel, Buchi , David Nkennor, Ernest Paul, Chris Morgan and others whose ministry is deep if entertainment and business is what brought them and kept them and is sustaining them in this ministry OR if it is the drive and passion to see GOD"s name exalted and glorified in all the earth. I don't support being too religious, but you and I know that the Muslim man doesn't care what the platform is; he will profess his faith in any given way. I'd love every Christian to advertise his/her business to reach out to the world, but first, we've got to establish what the "product" is that keeps the Christian brother/sister in business isn't it? If your business is doing gospel music, what then is the "CORE" of your message? Isn’t it supposed to be JESUS CHRIST? if then you agree with me that our brand, our product is JESUS, why then should we be ok to sing about it but not find it ok to announce it to the world through our posts and likes and shares on all social media platforms and our lifestyles? Or didn't Apostle Paul say in Romans chapter1:16 " For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek? If you who is supposed to be a Jew cannot be bold about it, how then do you expect the others to? Once you take praying, studying and rehearsing out of the equation, then you don't have "Gospel music" anymore, what you have is Christian music which is totally different from GOSPEL.

And in anyway, those three things "STUDYING-PRAYING-REHEARSING" are what makes you, not promo or posters or handbills or awards sir. Ever wondered how JESUS'S Fame reached places where he never went to? Ever wondered how He became what HE is today? Ever wondered why His name is above every other? It is because of that three... STUDYING-PRAYING and PRACTICING! There you have it.

 Mathew 21:12 and 13 says "And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And He said to them, "It is written, 'MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER'; but you are making it a ROBBERS' DEN."




Wednesday, 10 September 2014


It will amaze you how children think and how they put the questions or suggestions or even there opinion to God in prayer... Here are a few I was able to stumble upon, but interesting though.

1.Dear God, I bet it's very hard for you to love all the whole world. There are only four people in our family and I can never do it.—Nancy
2.Dear God, My brother told me how babies are born but it just doesn't sound right. What do you say?—Marsha
3.Dear God, Thank you for the baby brother but what I asked for was a puppy. You can look it up.—Joyce
4.Dear God, I read the bible. What does "beget" mean? Nobody will tell me.—Love, Alison

5.Dear God, Please put another holiday between Christmas and Easter. There's nothing good there now.—Amanda
6.Dear God, My Grandpa says you were around when he was a little boy. How far back do you go?—Love, Dennis
7.Dear God, In bible times, did they really talk that fancy?—Jennifer
8.Dear God, Is Reverend Coe a friend of yours, or do you just know him through the business?—Donny
9.Dear God, Is it true my father won't get in Heaven if he uses his golf words in the house?—Anita

10.Dear God, I'm doing the best I can. Really!!!! Is it true you'll send me to hell forever when I grow up?—Mikey
11.Dear God, Maybe Cain and Abel wouldn't kill each other if they each had their own rooms. That works with me and my brother.—Larry
12.Dear God, If you watch in Church on Sunday I'll show you my new shoes.—Barbara
13.Dear God, Please send Dennis Clark to a different summer camp this year.—Peter
14.Dear God, How did you know you were God? Who told you?—Charlene
15.Dear God, How come you did all those miracles in the old days and don't do any now?—Billy

16.Dear Mr. God, I wish you wouldn't make it so easy for people to come apart. I had to have three stitches and a shot.—Janet
17.Dear God, Did you mean for giraffes to look like that or was it an accident?—Norma
18.Dear God, Do you draw the lines around the countries? If you don't, who does?—Nathan

19.Dear God, It is great the way you always get the stars in the right place. Why can't you do that with the moon?—Jeff

Sunday, 20 July 2014

ME vs GOD.

Worship starts with the congregation, not the stage nor the artiste, nor the worship leader.
There’s a sound of worship that comes from a congregation so hungry for God… a wave that comes from the back of the room, overtaking the concert. It’s not something that you can orchestrate or plan for, that sound, that response when God shows up.They are coming to experience God.”
Each time we bring our hearts to God, it feels as if it is a fresh encounter. We can’t rely on past encounters with God, because He chooses the encounter. We should pray and ask God to show up, and if we think it’s something we’re doing, we’re missing the whole point.
So how does one go about capturing that shift in the atmosphere, that moment when the order of service takes a back seat to the work of the Holy Spirit? You simply “get out of the way. The best you can do is to prepare your heart and be obedient.
“You have to be willing to become invisible. It’s never about you. Nothing in the service is about you. People aren’t coming to see you. 

Each time we bring our hearts to God, it feels as if it is a fresh encounter. We can’t rely on past encounters with God, because He chooses the encounter. We should pray and ask God to show up, and if we think it’s something we’re doing, we’re missing the whole point.

If you scan the Christian music horizon, you’ll find a wealth of artistry created in praise of God and represented by music styles as diverse as the Church itself. But there are some sounds that defy categorization, some songs that go beyond what our vocabulary can express. And it is the desire to welcome and nurture these heaven-inspired sounds and songs that should drive worship leaders and songwriters.

If you look at what God is doing, what only He can do, you can’t take credit for any of this… if it works, it’s God. There’s no pressure because you can’t do anything apart from God, but there is responsibility to inspire the next generation to pursue God, to inspire them to get into His presence and make a difference in this world.”

We’re not going into these places for concerts, we’re going in to see moves of God- This should be the approach of our music ministrations, not otherwise.
“If I don’t do it, He’ll find someone who will.”

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Compassion From The Stage

When Jesus was in front of the crowd, he always had compassion on them (Mt. 9:35, 14:13).  As worship leaders we need to have compassion from the stage and here are a few practical thoughts about it:
1. Remember that it’s God who does the work in people’s hearts.  He might use our smile, voice, welcome, song, conversation or attitude as a catalyst, but the congregation is His. Know why you are up there in the first place – to help focus people’s attention on God. You, as the leader, joined with the congregation are giving worship to God.
2. Pray before you serve in your ministry leadership role.  Pray for the people that you will be leading, for their hearts and for their connection and communion with God.  And pray for the team that will be serving.  Don’t ever fall into the trap of thinking that we don’t need a “trite prayer” just before going on stage to serve in this capacity.  Coming before the Lord is never trite – even if it is only a brief time just before worship begins.  And many times, I invite our group to pray at the end of worship too.

3. Compassion from the stage begins with a unified worship team – be in community with the group so that you can model the body of Christ at work.  One of things I teach our traveling team is that you never give an order to a sound guy without first saying his name.  If don’t know his name, then that’s the first step – find out the person’s name then ask to have yourself turned up in the monitor.  Also, serve together as a team, if possible, outside of leading music for weekend worship services.
4. No water bottles on stage while leading congregational singing – unless the whole congregation has a bottle of water.  If we are inviting everyone to sing the whole time, then why is it only the band that has a water bottle?   It’s a reminder to us that we are only in front as the leaders, not performers.  We are all involved in singing praises to God.  (I have changed my tune a bit on this since having to have vocal chord surgery, but it’s still a concept that I think about).
5. Compassion on stage is closely tied to being in community with the people you lead.  Look for ways to build community in the body of Christ.  Be a part of a small group, bible study, class, regular worship service.
6. Stage presence isn’t limited to leading on Sunday morning… but also with your heart as you live among your family, friends and co-workers.  There is often more truth in the unrehearsed word than in the rehearsed ones.
7. Smile – allow God’s presence to shine through you.
8. Humility – understand that in 50 or 60 years, there’s a good chance that the church will still be ministering and you probably won’t be up there.
8. Dress – thinking of the congregation you are ministering to and with and willingly comply with guidelines of the worship team.
9. Attitude – should be the same a Christ Jesus (Phil. 2)
10. Song Choices – should be aimed at helping connect the congregation to God and not to suit the whims of musicians (I’m not saying don’t keep the music fresh, but also remember that for every time the congregation has sung the song, you have probably sung it 30 times in rehearsals, practices and sound checks).
11. Align the worship style with congregation – at times they church needs challenged and stretched in worship. But at other times, they need brought along lovingly – that’s where compassion comes in.  That’s also probably why old hymns will always be used in some manner.
“Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are–face to face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not apiece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We’re free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.” 2 Cor. 3:16-18 (The Message)

Sunday, 18 May 2014


Man is a social being thus he needs to interact with people. Almost every individual has experienced, in one way or another, how it is to work in a group - from his childhood games to wherever he is now earning his living. Unfortunately, not every group succeeds in its objectives or goals. Failure is a possible consequence whenever we get into a challenge. However, we can always avoid this much dreaded "failure" if every member of a group would not fail to use or exercise TEAMWORK. Yes, every group of people must not only work as a GROUP where every individual works for his own advantage, but instead, every one should work as part of a TEAM - where he is working towards a common goal. When these "small contributions" build up, success is hardly unforeseeable.
How can a person work as part of a TEAM? It's actually so easy: just remember the word TEAMWORK as a guideline. Also remember that all these should work together - should be there hand in hand from the conception of the team to the achievement of the final goal. No one of these can be enough and can work in isolation to be able to come up with a successful team.

T is for Talent
By talent, I mean a person's knowledge or capabilities. It is of course quite necessary for a member of a team to be knowledgeable about the work that his team is going to do. Where can these knowledge be gained? Knowledge can explicitly be learned from some useful handbooks on whatever you are working on. However, implicit knowledge - that which is acquired through experience and practice, is found to be much more useful.

E is for Enthusiasm
But as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic. He must seek responsibility, he must find ways to make the talents he has useful. He must always have the energy and the drive to work. Eventually, this enthusiasm will naturally come out of him and he will realize that his example becomes so inspiring and motivating enough for his other teammates to work - without him asking them any demands.

A is for Accountability
Every member is accountable not only to his team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves. It is everyone's responsibility to keep others informed. Whenever someone keeps on forgetting what he needs to do, it is our responsibility to keep him reminded. What he failed to do is a reflection of what we were also not able to do ourselves.

M is for Management
Every member must know his specialization relative to what his other teammates can do best. A good organization is really needed in proper distribution of work. The best member of any group is he who demands work based on what he can do. When we are assigned to do or work on something, we must also know where to go for help (just in case we couldn't work out on something), and when those help must be asked. Ultimately, it is every group member's responsibility to ensure that everyone has a work to do and that every one is always the best man for his job.

W is for Work-able
When a person has all the talents and the enthusiasm in the world and yet he doesn't have free time to work, it all turns out useless. Availability of every member is very much needed to work as a team. If no one's there, who do you expect to pursue the team's goals? This work-ability is not all about free-time, however, it also entails a large amount of adaptability. Every member must be able to expect different possibilities and must know how to react on them should they arise in the course of events.

O is for Openness
Understanding among team members is a necessity in every team for every member to be able to work in the best of his abilities. Everyone must be open to new ideas and suggestions. Everyone must have the capability to understand people. It is in keeping the communication lines open that the team can more efficiently achieve its goals.

R is for Respect
Every team member must be able to practice respect so that he can expect to be respected in return. A team could discuss things and every member could voice out his own opinion in whatever matter they are discussing without degrading his teammate or his teammate's suggestions no matter how irrational they are. It is one thing to listen and be able to humbly object and it is another thing to just avoid to listen. Whenever a team is brainstorming, everyone must be able to raise his opinions without having any hard feelings.

K is for Keenness

Keenness is the final key in working as a part of a team. It is more than enthusiasm. Enthusiasm comes before doing the actual work. This keenness - this intensity, is manifested while going through the work itself. It is what pushes us to move on and keep on working until we are finally done.

1.       ....Remember that everyone on your team has a role. Being part of a team environment means recognizing your role, as well as understanding the value of everyone else's roles, so you may all integrate your roles for the purpose of accomplishing the team goal. Common roles include:

The technician is the person who assumes thorough knowledgeable about the task and process, and is a good source of useful information and practical guidance.
The innovator is the creative person on the team, and is good at conceptualizing new ideas, as well as out-of-the-box problem solving.
The motivator is the team player who keeps everyone on task by way of a positive attitude and openness to whatever it takes to get the job done.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

The Act and Object of Worship

The impulse to worship is universal. If there’s a race or tribe anywhere in the world that does not worship, it has not been discovered. And yet the act of worship is, for the most part, so imperfect, so impure and so far astray that any teaching that might help us worship God more acceptably would indeed be a word well spoken. Psalm45.

There are INGREDIENTS that make up worship. One is ADMIRATION.
We can admire without worship but we cannot worship without admiring, because worship is admiration carried to infinitude. In the same way, we can honor what we do not worship, but we cannot worship the one we do not honor. So, worship carries the second ingredient called HONOR.
Then there is the spirit we call FASCINATION. We can only worship that which fascinates us. The old poet said in an often –quoted passage, “In our astonished reverence, we confess Thy uncreated loveliness.” There’s an astonishment that about reverence. II YOU CAN EXPLAIN IT, YOU CANNOT WORSHIP IT. You may admire it, you may honor it, but there is a mysterious fascination that carries the heart beyond itself and then we are nearer to worship.
Another ingredient, which perhaps should have been mentioned first, is LOVE. We can love without worshipping but we cannot worship without loving. Then love, when it lets itself go and no longer has any restraints, becomes adoration.

   We need to refine our definitions. Such words as honor love and adore don’t mean what they are supposed to mean. We use divine language in such a common way that when we try to rise to the exalted and divine level we find ourselves using words that do not express anything. If I had the power, I would pass a law permitting the use of such words as love, honor, and adore only in prayer, Bible teachings and songs. We have spoiled them and made them common, yet they belong to God.
     Worship seeks union with its beloved, and an active effort to close the gap between the heart and the God it adores is worship at its best.

The object of worship, of course, is God. The Nicene Creed says that we worship “one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.” That is who we worship. If we could set forth all God’s attributes and tell all that God is, we would fall on our knees, undoubtedly, in adoring worship. It says in the bible that “He dwells in light unapproachable whom no man can see or has seen and live” (1Timothy 6:16, Exodus 33:20).  It says God is holy, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent and sovereign and that He has a thousand sovereign attributes. And all these should humble us and bring us down. I cannot accept with any sympathy the idea that we go to church to soothe ourselves and calm our spirits. We do calm our spirits and there is a soothing effect in worship, but the primary object of church attendance is not to relax-it is to offer worship, which belongs to God.

     David sees this God incarnated in Psalm45. He sees Him as God of the substance of His Father, born before the world was, and made as the substance of his mother, born in due time-a radiantly beautiful, romantic and winsome figure. And here are some objectives he used to describe this man who is God and this God who became man; Fair, Kingly, Gracious, Majestic, True, Meek, Righteous, Loving, Glad and Fragrant-yet “dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto” (1tim6:16), inspiring awe in His enemies and terror in His foes. This is the God we adore, He is the Lord, “Worship thou him” (Psalm45:11).

     Even announcing that we are going to have a worship/praise concert must start the wings of the seraphim to waving and the organs to playing, because heaven exists to worship God. The atmosphere and the very breezes that flow out of heaven are filled with divine worship. The health of the world is WORSHIP. #SELAH

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

7 Qualities of a Worship Leader

If you consider a worship leader as a living signpost, what would matter a lot is which way the signpost points.
Some point towards music, others to self, some others to style and so on.
Then there are the good ones - the ones who point towards God, helping us connect with Him and express our worship to Him. That’s the kind of worship leader I strive to be.
Real worship leaders worship the Lord at all times and when necessary, they use songs.
What about you? Wanna be that stand-out worship servant who advances the praise of our God?
Here’s what I believe you ought to be working on:

The 7 Qualities of Awe-Inspiring Worship Leaders

Great worship leaders are God-lovers first and foremost. They love the Lord so much that they ensure to start every day with Him. They do this by maintaining strong and consistent personal prayer lives. They can pray without guitar and song. They are comfortable being still and silent before the Lord, with His Word.

Accomplished worship leaders don't bank on their own talent and experience as much as the Holy Spirit. Whether it's putting together a set-list or delivering a session on stage, their ears are constantly open to listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and their hearts stay in a disposition of obedience.

3. LOVE WORSHIP – not just a way of worshipping
Put simply, fantastic worship leaders don't believe that worship happens my-way-or-no-way. They do not cause or participate in worship wars. They respect liturgy and don't consider it inferior to contemporary worship. They appreciate "When I Survey the Wonderful Cross" as much as they enjoy "Everlasting God".

Outstanding worship leaders value training. They always keep themselves open for training opportunities and make use of them more often than not. They consume books, blogs, podcasts, videos, seminars, webinars or anything else that advances their walk with God and ministerial competency. They never claim to know-it-all and they do not shy away from taking feedback.

5. BE SELFLESS- create space for others
First-class worship leaders are team players. They are secure about their own calling, position and place and therefore don’t let doubt, fear or insecurity consume them. This makes them other-centered: they love to share tips and the stage with others. They sincerely encourage and take pleasure in developing another - ministerially or otherwise. They worship when others lead worship too.

Excellent worship leaders are grateful to serve wherever they are. Their happiness and contentment is not tagged to stuff like size of the congregation, count of Facebook, likes or twitter followers etc. They joyously lead through servant-hood.


Top-quality worship leaders are not different people on and off the stage. They practice worship outside the church sincerely. They don't play games with God or His people. Their spouses, children or mothers-in-law will vouch for their authenticity! I attended Don Moen's worship workshop twice and both times, the one thing he spoke about most is 'keeping it real'.

Saturday, 25 January 2014


What is “Successful” Worship?

At the risk of oversimplifying things, let me say that worship is offering to God all that God is due. For us individually, this means offering our whole selves to God. The Old Testament vocabulary for worship includes words that reflect the submission of a subject before a king and the service offered by a servant to a master. At the core, worship is giving to God his due as King of kings and Lord of lords, not to mention our gracious Savior. This includes praise, thanks, love, confession, attention, honor, obedience, and service. In corporate worship, we emphasize offerings of words, songs, and actions, which enable us to praise, thank, love, and honor God together. Such corporate worship leads to a life of worship, in which we serve God, not just in the corporate gatherings (the worship services), but also in every part of life (the service of daily life). We worship God by presenting our bodies as living sacrifices to God, thus glorifying him every waking minute of our existence.
I’m not saying that we actually do worship God in this way. No human being, except for Jesus, has been able to worship God consistently and whole-heartedly. Yet this should be our intention.
So, successful worship for an individual is when I truly and fully offer myself to God, not just my praise and thanks, but all of me. Notice that this is not primarily about feeling anything. Worship is not an emotional state, though it usually involves emotions. It is, rather, an act of the whole person, an act of will, an act of giving ourselves freely and fully to God.
From a biblical perspective, genuine worship can happen when I am alone. But worship is not something offered only or even mainly by individuals. Rather, it is an action of God’s people. When we come together, we worship together by offering our songs, prayers, and gifts to God. When we move out into the world, we worship God as a community by living consciously as God’s people, serving him through serving others.
Genuine worship, according to Jesus, is worship in Spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). This means that you and I cannot worship fully without the help of the Holy Spirit. It also means that our worship must be permeated with and shaped by the truth of God. Only when our worship is truly spiritual and biblical will it be authentic, or, if you will, successful.

What is Successful Worship Leadership?
Successful worship leadership facilitates successful worship. If you are a worship leader, you have led well if those who have followed your leadership have offered themselves to God genuinely.

Notice what successful worship leadership is not?
It’s not creating an experience. It’s not getting people excited.
It’s not helping people to feel God’s presence.
It’s not leading a moving performance by the band or choir.
It’s not preaching a fine sermon.
It’s not getting people to like you.
It’s not being popular.
It’s not growing your church.
It’s not musical perfection.
It’s not doing great art.
It’s not a chance for you to express your creativity or individuality.

Of course all of these things might be connected with successful worship leadership. But they are not the point. The point is leading people to offer to God his due, which ultimately includes all that they are.
You have been successful as a worship leader if, in any given gathering, those you have led have genuinely given themselves to God. This means that they come away from the service, not impressed by you, but by God. If on their way home they’re talking about how great the music was or how great the sermon was, you have not been successful. If they’re talking about how great God is and how they’re going to live in response to God’s greatness, then . . . bingo!
Successful worship leadership cannot really be measured in the moment, however. You can only truly know your success as a worship leader in the long run. If the people you lead in worship learn to offer themselves to God in every facet of life, if they live out the truth of God in the world, if they see their daily life as worship, if they serve God at school and in the office, if they seek to honor God by living lives of justice and righteousness, then you have been a successful worship leader.
“But,” you may be thinking, “that’s a whole lot harder than getting people excited or helping them to feel inspired in the worship service.” Indeed. It’s much, much harder. You might also be thinking, “But, wait, what you’ve described isn’t something I can pull off on my own. I can’t ensure that people will actually worship authentically.” That’s true. I believe that the success of a worship leader (or pastor, or mission trip leader, or . . .) does in fact depend on the response of those being led.

This means you cannot produce your own success. Not only do you depend on those whom you lead, but also and mainly upon God. You will never succeed as a worship leader apart from the help of God’s Spirit. Thus, we who lead worship join the Psalmist in praying: “O LORD, save us; O LORD, grant us success” (Psalm 118:25).

Friday, 10 January 2014

How to Become a Better Worship Leader

(Understand your own Christianity in order to become an effective worship leader).

Worship leaders have an awesome responsibility to lead others into the presence of God. Some believe the only requirement for being a good worship leader is to be a good musician or singer. But being a good musician is only the beginning. Understanding the nature of worship and your role in it is crucial if you want to become not only a better worship leader, but also a better Christian.
Tips for Leading Praise and Worship
S   Spend time with God.
T   This is the single most important thing you can do to become a better worship leader. It's only when you spend time in God's presence that you learn who He is and what pleases Him. You will never be able to lead others in worship if you don't spend time with God.

2.       Listen to God. Ask God what He wants, not only for each individual service, but also for your worship team as a whole. Allow God to direct you in all things. Spend time in prayer before each service asking God to show you which songs He wants for the service. Always be open to new suggestions from God.

3.       Study the Bible. It's crucial that as a worship leader you know what you believe. Worship leaders don't have the luxury of being lukewarm Christians. If you are not grounded in your faith, your worship will be dry and ineffective.

4.       Be humble. Because leading worship puts you in a position to be noticed by others, sometimes your ego can become a problem. Try to maintain a spirit of humility as a worship leader. Remember, pride always comes before a fall.

5.       Exercise authority. Although you need to maintain a humble estimation of yourself, it's important to exercise the authority God has given you. Take charge. You are the one God has chosen to lead your congregation into His presence.

6.       Avoid rebellion. You will not always agree with your pastor or those who are in authority over you. Sometimes they may ask you to take the worship service in a different direction from what you believe God wants. That being said, you should always try to submit to those who have rule over you unless God tells you otherwise. In the end, God will bless you for your faithfulness.

7.       Pray. Spend time in prayer daily for your pastor, your worship team members, your congregation, and mostly for yourself. If you are not spiritually strong, you will not be an effective worship leader. Pray for God to give you the strength to lead people in a way that is pleasing to Him, and ultimately to become a better worship leader.

      May our worship be soul-lifting, heart warming, taste-quenching and GOD reaching this year.

      twitter Handle @nueldavids.
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