Philosophy of Leading Worship
Lets just go straight into it without wasting anytime on unnecessary stories..
Leaders are trustworthy, morally sound, pure of heart, godly in character, and
vigilant to avoid bringing dispute to the Lord, the church, and their calling.
Recognition of the Holy Spirit’s anointing, gifting, and calling are the
primary qualifications for leadership in the church.
Biblical- All
leadership practices, policies, and decisions are submitted to and shaped by
Leaders seek God for direction, expecting to hear His voice and lead the people
in fulfilling His word. In other words, our strategy of ministry is led and
empowered by the spirit of God. (Acts 13:1-3)
Leadership authority is rooted in calling and service (Mt. 20:25-28). Titles
are played down in recognition of servant-leadership function. You are what you
are, not what you say you are.
Equipping- God
fulfills His purposes through the whole church; a significant part of the
leader’s task is to identify, train, deploy, monitor, and govern the body’s
members. (Eph. 4:11-13)
Loyal- Leaders
work together in committed teams, willing to listen to each other and defer to
each other in order to fulfill God’s purposes. (Acts 15:1-4)
Appropriate self-disclosure, meekness, and submissiveness to God’s will close
the gap between and among those in professional and lay ministry, and reflects
the humility of redemption. (1Tim. 1:15-16)
Leaders are willing to receive instruction, correction, and encouragement from
others. (Prov. 9:9; 13:1)
Merciful- As
recipients of God’s mercy, we freely extend it to the broken among us -
especially the poor, needy, and imprisoned. (2Cor. 5:18-21)
Vision- Vision is
the ability to see things that are not as becoming reality (Heb. 11:1). A
vision of Christ and His kingdom is all-consuming; it gives leaders and the
people they lead the meaning and purpose for which they all long. (Prov. 25:18;
Acts 2:17; Heb. 2:2-3)
The Worship Leader’s
Chief Duty
The duty of the worship leader is to provide the best
opportunity possible for people to worship. If we have done our part in
providing an excellent opportunity for the people to worship, it is then their
choice to take advantage of that opportunity. It is not our responsibility or
problem if they refuse to enter in. There must be a special anointing on our
lives in order to create an atmosphere that is most conductive to worship, but
once that opportunity to worship is there, it then becomes the people’s
prerogative to avail themselves of that opportunity. The unspoken thinking of
the worship leader could thus be: “I’m going to worship God. You are free to
join me and the worship team as we enjoy God’s presence, but whether or not you
decide to join us, we’re going to worship!” Some worship leaders get paranoid
when the people do not join in. Never mind the people! If they decide not to
worship, that is their business. Let them be, and join those who are willingly
participating in offering up spiritual sacrifices to the Lord. We must get
something straight here. In the final analysis, we are not the worship leader.
The Holy Spirit is the Worship Leader - capital W, capital L! As a worship
leader (small w, small l), each of us is simply a vessel through whom He
operates. He alone can inspire worship in the hearts of the people. Only He can
truly lead worship!
Tips from the
Lead with faith
Lead confidently
Lead with clarity
Drop religiosity
Keep your eyes open
Don’t worship for TOO long
Don’t teach too many new songs
Don’t waffle!
Watch the volume
Give the lyrics
Use variety
Communicate clearly with musicians
Commenting on the church’s need for an outpouring of the
Holy Spirit, A.W. Tozer, observed that if the Holy Spirit did withdraw, most of
what goes on in the church would not change. Why? Because too much of what the
local church does is not empowered by the Spirit of God. There may be much
activity, energy and enthusiasm, but one critical element is missing - the
power of the Holy Spirit. And without the Spirit, all activity is empty and
Worship and service are a state of heart; musical sound is a
state of art. Let’s not make the mistake of confusing them.
Qualities of someone
gifted in leading worship:
1. An obvious personal joy in worshipping God.
2. An equipping orientation through which they prize what
others can contribute even more than their own contribution.
3. An ability to direct people Godward with an economy of
4. Discernment so that fleshy contributions can be
distinguished from Spirit-prompted contributions.
5. A pastoral bearing that can gently correct the way things
are moving while making people feel cared for and nurtured.
6. An appreciation of the role music has in evoking praise.
An effective worship leader is one who combines the heart of
a servant, with their gifts and talents to facilitate the heart felt
expressions of God’s people, helping them to come to a place of intimate
communion with God.
Drawing close to God to know Him, love Him and yield to Him
must always be at the center of our worship experience.
God can only do through you, what He’s done to you.
You can only lead people as far as you've come.
Don’t tell congregation what to do during worship, choose
songs that accomplish it.
One needs a lot of personal worship time throughout the